Zaka-ul-Mal Calculator

The Eight Kinds of People Who Qualify to Receive Zakat

Congratulations! You are getting ready to pay your zakat! But wait. Who can receive your zakat? And who makes that decision?

The answer is easy: Zakat can be paid to deserving individuals or groups who fall into one or more of eight zakatable categories designated by God in the Quran.

Indeed, [prescribed] charitable offerings are only [to be given] to the poor and the indigent, and to those who work on [administering] it, and to those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to [free] those in bondage, and to the debt-ridden, and for the cause of God, and to the wayfarer. [This is] an obligation from God. And God is all-knowing, all-wise. - Al-Tawbah, 9:60

The Quran specifies how zakat is to be distributed precisely, but grants Muslims flexibility in its payment. This guarantees the right of the needful while accommodating changes in how wealth is stored, how money is best distributed, and how different cultures change over time. The Quran also makes it possible for Muslims to pay their zakat to trusted institutions that distribute it to those who belong to one or more of the zakat-worthy categories.

It is noteworthy that God Himself identified for zakat payers and administrators the eight categories for zakat disbursement. This determination is not up to the government, scholars, or even the Prophet himself. It is reported that a man once came to the Prophet and asked him zakat.

The Prophet said: Allah permitted not even a prophet to adjudge zakat[-worthiness]. Rather, He Himself ruled on it and permitted it in eight cases. Therefore, if you belong to any of these, I shall most surely give you your right. - Abû Dâ’ûd

So, where can your zakat go?

While zakat is not the only form of charity in Islam, it is so important that it was made the Third Pillar. Through zakat the prosperous can uplift the poor, help those who are troubled and comfort those who are in hardship. The law of zakat establishes the rights of the poor to support and help, and releases those who are held captive as slaves or as debtors. Zakat has the power to change the world. But it starts with you paying it.               (Source:

The below simple worksheet sample may be used to help figure Zakat-Ul-Mal due

Assets owned Value in $

Cash at hand/Home                                                                                          _______

Balance Held in Bank Accounts                                                                           _______

Resale Value of all investments portfolio / Shares/stocks/bonds, etc.                      _______

Business Merchandise & Profits                                                                           _______

Gold & Silver owned (at current value)                                                                _______

Property owned as /for Investment (current value)                                              _______

Other Income                                                                                                   _______

                                           Total of Assets Liable for Zakat:  ________ (add all the above asset values)

Liability Values

                  Debts owed to others                                                                    _______

                  Other eligible expenses                                                                 _______

                                                                   Total Deductions: ______      (add total liabilities)


                                                                         Zakat-Eligible Total: ______  (Subtract total Zakat Assets - Total liabilities) 

Ensure that Zakat-Eligible Total Exceeds this Nisab (current value of 85 grams of gold):        "  $5,533.95 "

                                   Your payable Zakat (0.025 x Zakat-Eligible Total):  _________

                                                                                ( Multiply the "Total Zakat-Eligible" amount X 0.025)

Mail a check payable to:  Jamestown Islamic Society, Inc.  1235 N. Main Street, Jamestown, NY  14701

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 Donations are Sadaqa Jariya and Tax-Deductible.

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